Which Spectra Pump Is Right For Me?

  • Which Spectra Pump Is Right For Me?

     There are a few basic types of pumps: manual, battery-operated, and electrical. Each pump extracts milk by providing a seal around your nipple and areola while applying and releasing the suction. Suction strength and cycle speed will vary depending on the type of breast pump and whether you are single pumping (one breast) or double pumping (both breasts at once). A double electric breast pump will yield the best results if you return to work or exclusively pump.

    Read below our comparison guide to choose the best Spectra pump that fits your lifestyle and personal breastfeeding journey.  

      Spectra® S1 Plus Premier Rechargeable

    A favorite among Exclusive Pumpers, the Spectra® S1 Plus includes all the features and functions of the S2 Plus and a rechargeable battery! Health insurance plans often offer the freedom of outlet-free pumping as an “upgrade” through health insurance plans. Countless moms have reported the additional cost of the S1 as a “must-have.” There’s no doubt that the 3-hour battery life delivers convenience that can make a pumping mom’s life easier, and when you’re already juggling a thousand things, convenience matters. Unplugging this pump doesn’t compromise suction like some other battery-powered pumps. You still get up to 270mmHg of suction, whether plugged or unplugged! If a rechargeable pump with the customization of 12 vacuum levels, 5 Expression Cycles, and an adjustable Massage Mode sounds like a dream, then the S1 is for you! 

    Spectra Dual S breast pump

    The Spectra® Synergy Gold is a game-changer in the pumping world! Never before have we seen a pump with so many features and customizable options! The dual controls allow for independent vacuum settings at 0-270mmHg PER BREAST! It also offers a mute mode for even more discreet pumping. The convenient night light has 3 levels for easy middle-of-the-night pumping, and the touchscreen LCD makes selecting your cycle and vacuum a breeze! With 5 cycles in both Massage and Expression Modes, this pump has something for everyone. Where the S1 and S2 have 12 vacuum levels, the SG has 15, and each breast can be independently adjusted! The possibilities are endless with this incredible dual pump. 


      Remember that no matter which pumps you choose, flange size, settings, pumping environment, and several other factors can make a huge difference in your pumping experience.